It appears the BJP in Telangana is bent on roping in Etela Rajender into its fold. The party leaders – both state-level and central leaders – are moving heaven and earth to lure Etela into the BJP. Recently, Bhupinder Yadav, a national level leader of the BJP had come all the way from Delhi to meet Etela Rajender. Highly placed sources say that the BJP leader had tried to impress upon Etela the need to make a common cause with the BJP.
Interestingly, both the BJP and the Congress are working hard to lure Etela. The Congress too had sent its state-level leaders to talk to Etela. Sources say that there are three options for Etela. Firstly to join the BJP, secondly to join hands with the Congress Party and thirdly , to form a regional party and take on the TRS. The BJP seems very much impressed by Etela’s leadership qualities and his ability to mobilise people against KCR. Bhupender Yadav, BJP state president Bandi Sanjay and Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Kishan Reddy recently met Etela Rajender and held discussions for over two hours.
Sources said Etela has not given any indication of his thinking. He was said to be non-committal on the issue of joining hands with the BJP. Sources said the BJP has promised a very key post to Etela if he joined hands with the BJP. BJP sources said another couple of rounds of meetings would be held to convince Etela.