West Bengal’s Trinamool Congress party is yet to recover from the damage made by BJP in recent Lok Sabha elections. The saffron party has gained 18 out 42 seats in West Bengal and emerged as a strong force against Trinamool Congress in state. Now, Mamata Banerjee has received a fresh shock from BJP.
As per media reports, two legislators of Mamata’s party, a CPI MLA and more than 50 Councillors have joined BJP in New Delhi. BJP leader Kailash Vijayvargiya welcomed them into party by offering party scarf. The Suspended TMC leader Subhrangshu Roy also joined BJP. Not just these MLAs, many leaders of TMC are said to be in touch with BJP bosses and they are not happy with Mamata’s leadership.
It can be recalled that Prime Minister designate Narendra Modi, during his election campaign, warned Mamata that several of TMC members are in touch with him and waiting for his signal to switch sides. Now, it will be interesting to see how the chief of Trinamool Congress will react to this poaching from Bharatiya Janata Party that came back to power in centre for the second consecutive time.