Ajay Bhupati turned heads with his debut movie RX 100 that had set the box office on fire. RX 100 struck chord with the masses and youth and has become a huge hit for its budget.Many of the medium range heroes have shown interest to work with Ajay Bhupati after the blockbuster success of RX 100.
Ram Pothineni had a formal agreement with Ajay while Nithin also had shown so much interest to work under him. But neither of the heroes stuck with him and Ajay Bhupati decided to work with Bellamkonda Srinivas.The Jaya Janaki Nayaka actor was keen to work with Ajay at the beginning but later parted ways for reasons not known.
Ajay Bhupati is yet to start his second film with every actor snubbing him after few days.Looks like the director has to go with a newcomer or an inexperienced actor as the established actors are not sticking with him.