TRS chief KCR’s daughter Kavitha faced a shock in the recent Parliament elections. As she is yet to come out of the defeat, Kavitha received another blow and this time it is from her own village, Pothangal of Navipet mandal in Nizamabad. The candidate on behalf of TRS lost to BJP candidate in the local body polls.
While in the whole Telangana, the scenario is different. The TRS car is cruising at majority of places. The candidate who lost was recommended by Kavitha and once again this became a hot topic of discussion among the political circles. They say that Kavitha’s influence in party and Nizamabad is fading out. She needs to have the back of her father, if not her political innings will come to an end in the near future.
Post the election defeat, Kavitha analysed the loss by holding discussions with her dad and Siddipet MLA Harish Rao. Some serious introspection is needed by Kavitha here to bounce back. We shall see what she does to make a comeback.