In a big blow to Opposition leader YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, YSR Congress party senior leader Bhuma Nagi Reddy and his daughter- Allagadda MLA Bhuma Akhila Priya are reportedly prepping up to jump into TDP. It’s learnt that Nagi Reddy and Akhila Priya have arrived at conclusion to join TDP and even holding meetings with their followers on the same.
Besides quitting party, Nagi Reddy will also be resigning to his post as Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Chairman. Bhuma Nagi Reddy was former TDP leader who joined Chiranjeevi’s PRP followed by YS Jagan’s YSRCP.
While his wife – late Bhuma Shobha Nagi Reddy died in a tragic car accident while campaigning, her daughter Bhuma Akhila Priya got elected in the by-election from YSRCP. Also reports are rife that along with Bhuma Nagi Reddy, Bhuma Akhila Priya, three more YSRCP MLAs would be joining TDP.
Kurnool MLA SP Mohan Reddy, Srisailam MLA Budda Rajasekhar Reddy and Nandikotkur MLA Ijayya are likely to join the bandwagon of Bhuma Akhila Priya. This is definitely seen a major blow to Jagan and his party which is already going on a downward spiral.