Victory Venkatesh and Energetic Hero Ram are now gearing up for the shooting of their next movie which is the remake of Bol Bachchan. The movie will begin with a formal puja at Rama Naidu studios. The regular shooting of the movie will begin from 22nd of this month. According to our sources, the movie is titled Sarvejana Sukhinobhavanthu. ‘Just smile’ is reportedly the caption.
The movie is the official Telugu remake of Bollywood super hit movie, Bol Bachchan. Venky will be reprising the role of Ajay Devgn and Ram will play the role of Abhishek Bachchan from the original. Interestingly, Bol Bachchan itself is an official remake of the popular 1979 film Gol Maal and is a run away hit. Venkatesh’s brother Suresh Babu and Ram’s uncle Sravanthi Ravi Kishore will be jointly producing this film. K Vijay Bhaskar who directed movies like Nuvvu Naku Nachav and Jai chiranjeeva will yield megaphone for this film. More details on this project are awaited.