Bollywood actor Sandeep Nahar (33) has committed suicide at his residence in Mumbai. He starred in films like Akshay Kumar’s “Kesari” and Sushant Singh Rajput starrer “MS Dhoni: The Untold Story”.
He was found unconscious in his flat on Monday evening by his wife Kanchan and friends who rushed him to the SVR Hospital. He was declared dead on arrival, a police official said.
He wrote a letter claiming that no one was responsible for his death and committed suicide in his home. The actor also added that no one from his family should be made responsible for his actions. He said he has been going through a lot of problems, personal as well as professional.
The Mumbai police have registered a complaint and the case is currently under investigation. The cops are also waiting for the post-mortem report. The suicide of Sandeep Nahar has come as a shock to the entertainment industry.