Bollywood Star Hero Akshay Kumar will be making his South debut with Superstar Rajinikanth and Sensational director Shankar’s 2.0, the sequel of their successful film, Robot. Few leaked images of the film show Akshay Kumar playing negative role will be seen in a different avatar resembling a crow.
We are said that he has to wear a special lens in eyes and so as to avoid any infection or such happenings the caring director, Shankar has appointed a special eye consultant for him. According to the sources, the final look of villain when seen on big screen is going to blow everyone away.
According to reliable sources, the movie is titled ‘Chitti 2.0’ in Telugu and the title is also registered with the Film Chamber. The movie is being shot in 3D made with top technicians from all over the globe making it a complete world class film. Amy Jackson is the female lead. The movie will be costing a whopping 350 Crore according to an estimate.