Kangana Ranaut made her Telugu debut with Prabhas’ Bujjigadu several years ago. After that she became busy in Bollywood and recently even got the National Award for her acting in Queen movie. She is having non stop offers there and has not time to think of a Telugu comeback. However she clarifies that she will consider a comeback in Telugu if it is a Mahesh Babu film.
“Mahesh Babu is very beautiful. He is an excellent actor too. He is the most handsome hero in Telugu. I will definitely come back to Telugu if I get offer beside him”, Kangana said in a magazine interview.
Having said that the ball is now in the court of Mahesh Babu and his makers! Bringing in Bollywood actresses will definitely add hype to the films. But the tantrums they throw and the hefty paychecks they demand is of big problem!