Mumbai: Bollywood celebrities like Farah Khan, Kapil Sharma and Vir Das among others today took to Twitter to express their displeasure over the arrest of comedian Kiku Sharda for allegedly hurting the sentiments of the followers of Sirsa-based Dera Sacha Sauda leader. Kiku, best known for his role of Palak on Kapil’s TV show
‘Comedy Nights With Kapil’, has been sent to 14-day judicial custody. Without making any direct comment, Farah showed support for Kiku by posting an image, which read, “You found it offensive?… I found it funny… That’s why I am happier than you.” She captioned the photo as, “#KikuSharda.” Kapil, the host and the producer of ‘Comedy Nights With Kapil’, showed support for Kiku.
“I request sant Ram Rahim Singh ji ‘INSAAN’ to come out in media in this case and set a beautiful example of humanity by supporting an artist, who is just working to spread happiness in the world. Come, let’s work together for happiness and peace,” Kapil tweeted.