Bombay high court stayed the ruling of 5 years rigorous jail term punishment for actor Salman Khan. The court also granted bail to the actor on a personal guarantee. Salman Khan gets a huge relief in this case and walk free home now. He is a free bird until the high court trials again the case which may even take several years.
It looks a like an invisible hand is helping Salman Khan in this case from all sides. This sharp escape of the actor is nothing short of a judicial wonder till now. Several rules of the land were crushed in the process to set Salman Khan free. We can divulge or detail the entire process as it will only invite a contempt on court. Such are the rules!
Since the courts will be on Summer vacation for a month, the next hearing is at least a month away. It may be reminded to our readers that the actor is alleged of ramming his car into a roadside shop in suburban Bandra, killing one person and injuring four people who were sleeping on the pavement on the night of September 28, 2002. The Mumbai sessions court convicted him in the case and awarded him with five years of rigorous jail term.
It is said that the actor had committed to projects till 2017. Investments of 200 Crore were riding on him. And then there are numerous corporate companies who roped him as brand ambassador. Salman Khan is also hosting Bigg Boss 8. All the involved parties will give a shy of relief with this judgement!