Reigning Indian Tennis player Rohan Bopanna rewrote history on Thursday by becoming the only fourth Indian to win a Tennis Grand Slam. Sania Mirza, Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi are the other three.
Bopanna and his Canadian partner Gabriela Dabrowski beat Colombia’s Robert Farah and Germany’s Anna-Lena Groenefeld 2-6, 6-2, 12-10 to clinch the French Open 2017 mixed doubles title in Paris. After losing the first set, the Indo-Canadian pair made a strong comeback and claimed the remaining two sets and also the Grand Slam.
This was only for the second time that Bopanna reached the final of of a Grand Slam. The first time he stormed into the final was during US Open men’s doubles in 2010 but he lost the summit clash to the Bryan brothers of America.
Bopanna’s win is a proud moment to all the Indian fans of Tennis game.