Raj Tarun’s latest offering Kittu Unnadu Jagratta is turning safe for its distributors, buyers. The film that received last Friday said to have raked in approximately 3 Crore share in 3 days in AP and Telangana. It’s said that interestingly the film has crossed ‘Monday test’ in trade and said to have got good turnout.
Meanwhile, it’s estimated that the film would break-even by the figures of Tuesday or Wednesday and likely to enter profit zone from Thursday on wards. While Kittu showing its dominance here by standing at No. 1 out of the last week releases, the film is in second position in the United States while Vijay’s Dwaraka is slightly higher than KUJ there.
On the whole, KUJ is expected to enter profits before this Friday that is going to see a slew of releases including Sundeep Kishan’s Nagaram, Aakatayi, Anjali’s Chitrangada, Lakshmi Manchu’s Lakshmi Bomb.