After watching Vinaya Vidheya Rama in theatres, the basic doubt anyone will get is, had Megastar Chiranjeevi really watched this film? All the excitement he showed at the pre-release event looked like he watched just trailer and got excited.
Reports are coming that director Boyapati Sreenu has completely stage-managed Chiranjeevi by not showing the film to him. As Chiru is known for suggesting changes and deciding the fate of a film before release, it is heard that Boyapati managed not to show the film to the Megastar.
Some say that he should have shown it, as Chiranjeevi would have given him enough suggestions to make the film little workable at the box office. Along with his wife and other family members, Chiru has watched the film only 2 days after the release of the movie in theatres.
Anyway, the film might collect 60 crores share in full run and end up the distributors losing almost 35-40 crores over the movie.