There is no way than taking a backseat for dashing director Boyapati Sreenu after his Vinaya Vidheya Rama with Ram Charan has ended up as a mega disaster. That is the reason why his film with Balayya got delayed and the Nandamuri hero has taken up KS Ravikumar’s project.
And then, Boyapati tried luck with young heroes like Akhil and RX100 fame Karthikeya but nothing materialised. Though he thought of waiting for Balakrishna again, latest reports have that he is actually getting ready to make a multi-starrer film with two young heroes. Some other writer is said to be giving a terrific story to this director.
Though there are no signals about this from Boyapati camp, the industry is abuzz that two young and happening heroes are likely to star in this film. What is important here is that the director has to make sure that the film will have a good story and content, unlike his recent duds.