Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Brahmotsavam shooting is currently in its last leg. The makers have earlier announced that the audio release event of the film will happen on May 1st. But there is a change of plan now. The makers are planning to push the event to May 7th. The movie will now release on May 20th or 27th.
A new teaser of the film will release in the next week. Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu fame Srikanth Addala is wielding megaphone for this film. The movie is touted to be a very clean family entertainer and the makers have casted some real families in the film. Mickey J. Meyer is the music composer.
Samantha, Pranitha and Kajal Aggarwal will be romancing Mahesh Babu in this film which is a family entertainer. The pre-release business of the movie is creating new records. Zee Telugu recently bagged the satellite rights of the film and a sensational offer of 13 Crore was put forth for the movie’s Overseas rights, this is an all time record in Telugu film industry.