Superstar Mahesh Babu’s last offering, Brahmotsavam had completed its full run at the box office. The movie ended up as ‘Double Disaster’ bringing about 39 Crore loss to the trade. The movie which registered a whopping 74 Crore Pre-release business, just managed to collect 35.47 Crore Share in its full run.
Brahmotsavam with this sensational losses, ended up as the second biggest disaster in the entire South. Only Rajinikanth’s Lingaa is bigger failure than Brahmotsavam in the South. Trade is demanding compensation for these huge losses. Here is the breakup of Brahmotsavam Final Total Collections:
Nizam: 9 Crore
Ceeded: 3.1 Crore
Uttarandhra: 2.43 Crore
East: 2.58 Crore
West: 2.67 Crore
Krishna: 1.76 Crore
Guntur: 2.88 Crore
Nellore: 0.98 Crore
AP+Nizam: 25.4 Crore
USA: 4.32 Crore
Karnataka: 3.65 Crore
ROI: 0.85 Crore
ROW: 1.25 Crore
Total WW: 35.47 Crore