Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Brahmotsavam is releasing on 20th of this month with Overseas Premieres a day before. The World’s first Premiere show of the film will happen in May 19th, 2 PM US Time ( May 19th, 11.30PM IST) in Detroit, Michigan at Farmington Civic Theater.
The ticket for the show is priced at a whopping $30. Five hours after the show, the theater is also screening an exclusive fans show for which ticket is priced at $20. Currently, the final mixing of Brahmotsavam is going on and the team is confident of getting the first copy ready tonight.
They have already booked a slot with Regional Censor Board in Hyderabad and the censor screening is likely to happen on Monday. The content for Overseas will be shipped after the Censor.
The movie is going to have a record release there with only Newyork and New Jersey witnessing release in 24 theaters a new record. Fans are hoping to touch the four million dollars mark with this film and it should not be that difficult if the movie garners hit talk.