It’s all official. Giving a shock to his detractors, former Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy announced that he is going to float a new party on March 12th. At a public meeting in Rajahmundry on the same day, Kiran will announce the name, logo design and agenda of the party amidst massive crowd.
When media quizzed, does he think that Andhra and Telangana will blur their differences and unite again? “Countries like Germany who are divided into two through a big wall, (Wall of Berlin) have collapsed the wall and got united. There are no walls yet between Andhra and Telangana”, quipped Kiran.
We hear that Kiran’s associates have already registered the party which will be formally announced by Kiran on March 12. So, 2014 in AP is going to witness a quadrangular contest- TDP, YSRCP, Kiran’s party and Pawan’s independents team. Let’s see who will emerge as winner.