Rana Daggubati, along with K Raghavendra Rao and Anil Ravipudi graced the trailer launch of Roshan Kanakala’s launch pad film Bubblegum which was also attended by the young hero’s parents- Suma and Rajeev Kanakala.
Rana expressed his heartfelt wishes, saying, “Roshan, may all the love bestowed upon Rajeev and Suma Kanakala be showered upon you. I hope the director Ravikanth Perepu achieves another hit as splendid as his previous works. Best of luck to the entire team.”.
When asked if he would love to take revenge on someone, in line with the film’s theme, Rana articulated, “I don’t think anyone would lock horns with me, so no thought of revenge itself for me (laughs)”.
Produced by Maheshwari Movies and People Media Factory, with cinematography by Suresh Ragutu and music by Sricharan Pakala, the film is set to hit the theatres on December 29th.