Telugu celebs who have this long-term connect with Chennai, when it was Madras, are now stepping forward to help the city which is being shattered by nature’s fury. Already Stylish Star Allu Arjun has donated 25 lakhs for Tamilnadu CM Relief Fund and he says, responding on time through other means of charity is also essential. “Being celebs, we’re doing our best to showcase our human side.
I request all people to donate something for Chennai. At this moment, even a candle is enough as your help, which will be quite useful to victims there”, said a visibly emotional Allu Arjun. Speaking with media at #ManaMadrasKosam fundraiser event, Bunny further added, “Though I’ve gave some money, it takes time to reach people.
For that reason we’re buying food packets and water bottles to supply affected people in Chennai. Blankets and medical kits are essential for people there”. For 400 families, this group led by Navadeep, Lakshmi Manchu and Rana is sending food-kits, which will help them sustain for 10 days. Allu Arjun is quick to appreciate these three, and also other actors like Naresh, Nani, Madhushalini for their efforts to bring relief to flood hit Chennai city.