Director Vikram K Kumar’s films will have certain connect that impresses one section of audiences a lot. Say it Manam, or 24 or Hello, some audiences loved them to the core and his screenplay is a big binding factor. But still, he is rejected by two happening Telugu heroes.
Firstly we have hero Allu Arjun who worked with Vikram for several months on the script and finally decided to call off the film. And then, the Tamil director was supposed to work with Nani, but that too didn’t materialize. Some insiders revealed that the second half is the key behind these happenings.
Actually, Vikram is quite hesitant to change the second half of the story which is sounding paler and less intensified. Because many films get choked at the box office due to the second half syndrome, and that’s where Bunny and Nani are said to have asked the director to make changes.
Right now, Vikram is said to be waiting for that hero who will work on this story without asking to change the second half.