Stylish Star Allu Arjun’s Sarainodu which recently became only the fourth film in Tollywood to cross the 70 Crore Share mark, had achieved yet another feat. The movie on its 39th day became only third Telugu film to achieve 4 Crore Share in Krishna district. Only SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus movie, Baahubali – The Beginning and Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Srimanthudu have managed to achieve this.
Even on its 39th day, a working Monday, the movie still managed to collect 1,16,140 Rupees Share in Krishna which speaks volumes about the magnitude of success at the box office. On the other side, the Malayalam dubbed version of the film, Yodhaavu – The Warrior released in Kerala on Friday.
The movie had struck chord with Allu Arjun’s Kerala fans and is also getting good response there as well. The movie had released in about 80 screens in Kerala. The makers are keen to increase the promotion quotient going further so that the movie reaches to audience. Allu Arjun and Allu Sirish are promoting the film there.