Despite Allu Arjun’s steadily raising popularity in North India, some people raised their eyebrows when the Hindi dubbing rights of his upcoming film DJ were recently acquired for a record price. Well, after learning the latest development, those doubters would surely say that DJ producer Dil Raju could have bargained for a few more crore.
The Hindi dubbed version of Bunny’s ‘Sarrainodu’ was officially released on Youtube on 28th May and the film clocked a staggering 6 million views (75K likes) in just 24 hours, fastest for any Indian movie on youtube. Not even the trailers of some new Bollywood biggies clock these many views in a day. The views count is close to 8.1 million now. This is an unprecedented record for any Hindi-dubbed South film.
Bunny’s earlier films such as ‘S/o Satyamurthy’ and ‘Race Gurram’ still top TV Ratings whenever the dubbed versions are telecast in Hindi entertainment channels. With the kind of response Sarrainodu Hindi-dubbed version received on youtube, one wonders what sort of euphoria it could create on TV.
The recent feat pulled off by Sarrainodu is a testimonial enough to say that Bunny has evolved into one of the most famed South actors in North.