Ram Charan not only scored a huge blockbuster with Rangasthalam but also earned the tag of the ‘True Mega Heir’ from Mega fans. Incidentally, Allu Arjun’s fans have been addressing him as the ‘Next Megastar’ for the last couple of years, as he has been constantly delivering hits when rest of the Mega heroes were failing.
Allu Arjun has been trying to come out of the Mega shadow and create his own identity for quite a long time. Pawan churning out a series of flops and Ram Charan falling behind in the race also proved advantageous to the Stylish Star.
But Charan conquered the box-office and even erased all the criticism on his acting skills with a terrific performance in Rangasthalam. And this left Bunny being overshadowed in Charan’s newfound aura. And then came Pawan, who praised Charan to the sky and doubled Charan’s image among the Mega fans.
Already, Allu Arjun distanced himself from Pawan and this didn’t go down well with the Power Star’s fans. In this scenario, to regain the Mega fans’ support, Bunny heavily promoted Chiranjeevi’s visit to Naa Peru Surya’s sets to show that he’s still in his uncle’s good books. Now, it remains to be seen if Bunny and Naa Peru Surya’s team will invite Chiru or Charan to the film’s pre-release event.