Stylish star Allu Arjun, who used to be called a ‘Director’s Hero’, has allegedly played a crucial part in his recent film ‘DJ’ turning out to be a soulless attempt. He has allegedly interfered a lot in director Hairsh Shankar’s work throughout the making of DJ.
During the promotional interviews, Harish claimed several times that Bunny had given valuable inputs for DJ. As per Harish, it was Bunny who asked for a lighter climax and his inputs changed the tone of several scenes in the film. He credited Bunny as the hero who can conceive maximum from his director.
Although it looked like Harish was praising Bunny, he has allegedly conveyed through the making videos shown at the end of the film how much Bunny interfered in err…added inputs to his work. In some frames, it appeared like Bunny took complete control and Harish was just limited to say ‘Action’ and ‘Cut’.
As Harish has got the dates of a star hero after a long time, he may have completely surrendered to Bunny and nodded his head to whatever he had demanded. On the other hand, the recent hit streak of Bunny may have infused so much confidence in him that he has started ‘improvising’ the work of his directors. And, the result is ‘DJ’, an emotionless, utter-routine and amateurishly looking film.