Ram Charan recently turned producer to produce his father Megastar Chiranjeevi’s 150th film “Kaththilantodu”, but he will not be involving in the day to day production activities. Chiranjeevi has begun regular shoot today. When his father is returning to the sets, Ram Charan is in Kashmir shooting for his movie “Dhruva”. Generally a producer will be on the sets but Ram Charan will be continuing as his job of hero and left all the production work to executive producers.
Charan wanted to work for this film for two or three months and oversee everything personally but his dad is said to have scolded him on his decision.“There are many people in our camp who can do the production, why waste time on it and do your movie,” he reportedly told his son, when Charan came up with the idea of personally involving in production job.
So, both dad and son are now shooting for their respective films in two different cities at the same time. Since Charan entered into movie industry as hero, this is the first time that Chiranjeevi putting makeup as hero.