From a long time, talk is being heard that Superstar Mahesh Babu will be teaming up with happening big producer Allu Arvind for a film. Earlier, the Geetha Arts charioteer was said to have sent Parasuram to narrate a story to Mahesh, but that script hasn’t excited the star hero. Since then, Arvind is said to be looking forward to scripts he could send to Mahesh.
And now, Mahesh, who has directly approached KGF director Prashant Neel for a project, is said to have got impressed by a line narrated by the director. And he is said to have sent the director to Geetha Arts now to narrate the story to Allu Arvind, such that their project would materialise soon.
Though the clash of Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo and Sarileru Neekevvaru at Sankranthi 2020 box office is said to have ruffled feathers between Mahesh and Arvind, looks like that is untrue. In the wake of Megastar Chiru attending Sarileru Neekevvaru’s pre-release event, surely Mahesh teaming up with Allu Arvind will not be a surprising thing.
Meanwhile, we have to see if the story narrated by KGF director will be likened by Arvind or not. In case if Arvind fails to get the kick out of it, will Mahesh proceed with the film with another producer? Or he will wait for Allu Arvind’s liking is also to be seen.