BJP senior leader from Telangana and Secunderabad MP Bandaru Dattatreya is joining Prime Minister’s Narendra Modi’s team. According to sources Dattatreya got call from PM office on Friday night asking him to come to Delhi.
Sources say Dattatreya’s cabinet post is confirmed and as a part of cabinet expansion he was invited by PM office for tea party given by Modi. PM Modi who spent anxious moments ever since cabinet reshuffle news came is happy and left to Delhi along with his family members.
His close aides say with BJP local leadership pressurising national leaders that they need someone from Telangana to be in the cabinet to strengthen the party in the state, titled scales in his favour as he is the only party MP from Telangana. Dattatreya earlier been Union Urban Development mister for state in 1998-2002 and also Minister of State for Railways in 2002-2004.