Mythri Movie Makers entered Telugu film industry with a bang. Their first film Srimanthudu was a Non-Baahubali hit and they followed it up with NTR’s career biggest earner Janatha Garage.
The third film was even bigger. Rangasthalam shattered all existing Non-Baahubali records and still sitting pretty on top.
After making three big ticket films, Mythri switched to making medium budget films. However, they ran out of luck with Savyasachi and Amar Akbar Anthony that were released within a short span and tanked at the box office.
Chitralahari was a sleeper hit, but it is not something they could boast of. Dear Comrade also has bitten dust leaving the production house in a spot.
One of the partners Mohan parted ways with Mythri because of recent developments.
With their brand value taking a severe dent, Mythri Movie Makers is hoping to bounce back with Gang Leader that looks promising.
Both Nani and Vikram Kumar are bankable brands and this duo cannot go wrong unless Myhtri’s bad time continue to haunt them.
Gang Leader is slated for release on Sept 12.