Mangalore Babe Anushka once sizzled on tollywood silver screen and starred opposite top stars. She even scored a sensational hit Arundhati with her amazing performance spellbounding all. She went on to star in films like Vedam and Panchakshari bringing forth her hidden acting talent behind her breathtaking beauty. However for some unknown reasons she disappeared from tollywood silver screen. She recently made her re entry of sorts coming with a dubbing film Siva Tandavam starring opposite Chiyan Vikram.
Those who have seen her in the film felt that Anushka has lost her mystic beauty, charm and grace and she did not resemble her old self. Many cite this was the reason she preferred Kollywood rather than tollywood. Her upcoming film Damarukam is ready for release in couple of weeks time. She romance King Nagarjuna in many films like Don and now hopes that she will cast her magic spell once again with Damarukam. The firstlook stills of Anushka and Nagarjuna in Damarukam are quite appealing and many are confident that Mangalore babe is out to make her mystic presence felt on silver screen.Many are dying hard to enjoy the beauty of this gorgeous babe as it has been a long time since she doled out a sumptuous mangalorean meal.