Sometime back top producer Konda Krishnam Raju proudly announced the launch of ‘Prince of Peace’ under Singeetam Srinivasa Rao’s direction. The film makers announced that Power Star Pawan Kalyan would be seen in the role of Jesus Christ much to the delight of millions of mega fans. The film unit went and shot some scenes at Jesus’ birth place Jerusalem. However the film makers later shelved the project due to the high costs involved in the making of the film. However some feel the reason for the project being disbanded his the lukewarm response from his fans.
Now the buzz is King Nagarjuna will be donning the role of Jesus Christ under top director Raghavendra Rao. Many wonder whether he can succeed where Power Star Pawan Kalyan failed. Nag and Raghavendra Rao duo delivered super hit devotional films like ‘Annamayya’ and ‘Sri Ramadasu’ and now they are coming with ‘Shirdi Sai’. Movie lovers and film critics opine that Nag has it in him to mesmerise all with his kind of acting.
A thorough experimentalist, Nag has a penchant for creative and innovative films and proved his mettle with his performance. The film is all set for a grand launch in Jan 2013. Some skeptics say that till now he shone in hindu devotional films and his transformation to Christian religion and winning their hearts will be watched with keen interest. If Nag succeeds in winning their hearts, then he will truly be regarded as ‘King’ of Tollywood.