The sensation that Dasari Narayana Rao had created and left an indelible mark – other than through his films – was his news paper Udayam. Founded in 1984 with Vijayawada as the headquarters, Udayam had created a sensation and had given jitters to its then competitors like Eenadu. Udayam had also given break to many journalists who are now senior editors in various media houses. Barely a month after its launch, Udayam had registered over 2.24 lakh copies circulation which was a great feat and stood at No.2 standing next to Eenadu.Â
However, Dasari, who was busy with movies, had to entrust responsibilities of Udayam to Congress leader and liquor baron late Magunta Subbarami Reddy. Subsequently, Udayam had posted huge financial losses later due to some political decisions like Liquor Ban by then government allegedly to help then leading daily Eenadu. Udayam had been shut down owing to its deep losses. Although Dasari had dreamed of revival of Udayam, it didn’t materialize.
Now that Pawan Kalyan is all set to launch his own paper, many from film industry and many from his community are hoping that Pawan would repeat Udayam’s magic created by Dasari. However, it is not that easy as unlike Dasari’s time, today there are news papers like Eenadu, Andhra Jyothi, Sakshi are doing quite well besides others.
Certainly, this is a major challenge for Pawan to eat into the market share of these leading vernaculars. If Pawan does it, definitely it will be a new benchmark in media fraternity. Let’s wait and watch.