Tollywood filmmakers are trying to remake Vijay, Samantha’s Kaththi directed by Murugadoss after the film got stunning collections in Kollywood. Tagore Madhu the producer even stopped the Vijay from going ahead with the dubbed version in Telugu, as he got idea to remake the film with Power Star Pawan Kalyan.
However those who watched the film feels that Kaththi remake is extremely risky in Tollywood and unless until lot of changes are made in the original script, it is not viable in current form. Many felt Telugu viewers will feel the film as a documentary revolving around plight of farmers and their fight against corporate house.
A source adds “Pawan films cannot be dry and preachy, because he is spirited and energetic star and audience would love his flamboyance. So along with message, it should be blended with commercial ingredients”. The source reminds “Earlier director Murugadoss Tamil film “Ramana” went for a complete makeover in “Tagore” and struck a chord, so similarly, knife(kaththi) should be polished”
Pawan is all set to watch the special screening of the film before giving green signal and one can be sure that he will keep all these things in mind.