upcoming Telugu movie. Till now she has done mostly performance-based roles and some glamorous
roles as well.
The movie is a period film as the story is set in an era of 400 years ago. The man who will be donning
the director’s hat for this movie is Prem Arya, who was the former associate of filmmaker Anishankar.
He revealed that it is Priyamani who will play the warrior princess in the movie. He also informed that
the film will be shot at an ancient fort in Chandragiri near Tirupati, which will tentatively start around 5 th
Most actresses have attained huge success after working in period films. Right from Anushka, whose
work in Arundhathi did wonders to her career graph, to Kajal Agarwal, who acted in Magadheera
(Maaveeran in Tamil), another period film, marked the rise for her. Whether this period film is able to
work the same magic for Priyamani, will be decided only after the release of the movie.
However, she has also said yes to act in another movie to be directed by director Samudra.