Sundeep Kishan’s next film, Okka Ammayi Thappa has completed its shooting part a long ago. The movie is currently in post production phase. The makers are planning to release the film on 27th of this month as Summer special. It means the film will release a week after Brahmotsavam release. Lets see how it can manage!
Race Gurram fame Ravi Kishan is playing the baddie in the film. Ali, Ajay, Thanikella Bharani, Brahmaji, Rao Ramesh, Rahul Dev, Saptagiri, Thagubothu Ramesh, Nalini and other senior actors will be seen in other important roles. The movie will have about one and half hour CG work which is the highlight.
Nithya Menen is romancing Sundeep Kishan for the first time in this film. The movie is being directed by Rajasimha Thadinada who makes his debut with this project. He has worked as a writer for many successful films in the past. Mickey J.Meyer is the music composer.