India always aspired to win Oscars in the best foreign film category. Till now it didnot happen. Though Gandhi and Slumdog Millionnaire won Oscars, they are directed by foreigners. Even Amir Khan’s Lagaan which many expected to bring prestigious Oscars to India, failed to do so. Versatile actor Kamal Hasan, great director Maniratnam tried in their efforts.
Now everyone is wondering can Minugurulu make India proud at Oscars. Minugurulu seems to be India’s answer for Oscars.The film already won the appreciation of critics at Two Film Fests and won best film award at Bangalore Film Festival and International Film Festival. Now the film made it to the nominations list of Oscars.
There are many films from other languages like National award Bengali film Jatiswar, Marathi film Fandree, Hansal Mehta’s hindi film Shahid. Even popular films Mardani, Filmistan, Ramleela, Mary Kom, Kochadaiyan, Kadai Tirai Vasanam Iyakkam etc. Even Kokani film is trying its luck. Scrutinising committee will be viewing all the films in Hyderabad nad final decision will be coming on Sep 23.
Minugurulu is directed by Ayodhya Kumar and it highlighted how blind students were exploited and how they teamed together to fight against the atrocities.