From a couple of weeks, it is being heard that Nandamuri Balakrishna is all set for another interesting film other than the one he’s doing with KS Ravi Kumar. Buzz has that he will be starring in Bollywood’s runaway hit film ‘Pink’s Telugu remake. Already the film is remade in Tamil as Nerkonda Paarvai and it is ringing registers there.
A rumoured title ‘Khaan Saab’ and a rumoured director VV Vinayak are also in the news in connection with Balayya’s Pink remake. Guess what, the name of Vinayak is what worries some of the fans of Pink movie that featured Amitabh Bachhan and Taapsee in key roles.
Because Vinayak is known for action movies that have loud dialogues, car blasts, huge action sequences and less story. But Pink is a sensible movie that deals with trivial issues like sexual harassment and the Indian legal system. Can he hand such sensible content is the big worry many have.
Maybe some directors like Sekhar Kammula and Koratala Siva will be able to handle such films quite brilliantly, though we can’t rule off Vinayak anyway.