Controversial actor, filmmaker and box-office analyst Kamaal R Khan is infamous for his trolling of top stars from Bollywood and South. Twitter India had even suspended his Twitter account after receiving a series of complaints from the Bollywood film fraternity. He now resides in Dubai and runs a box-office portal.
Yesterday, Kamaal’s tweet via his @KRKBoxOffice handle had left everyone in deep shock. Kamaal said that he was diagnosed with stage 3 stomach cancer and that he will live only 1-2 years more. He went on to say that he doesn’t need anyone’s sympathy and that he will spend whatever time left with his family.
Kamaal revealed that he had 2 wishes – to produce an A grade Bollywood film and work with Amitabh Bachchan. He expressed his sadness over both his wishes dying with him. Meanwhile, Kamaal’s tweet received mixed response from his followers. While some accused him of resorting to cheap publicity, others wished him a speedy recovery, strength and long life.