Following the expiry of Aamir Khan’s contract with the government as ‘Brand Ambassador’ for ‘Incredible India’, the government is scouting for new faces. Apparently, Bachchan and Priyanka Chopra are front-runners for becoming the face of Incredible India, a campaign based on the concept of ‘Athiti Devo Bhava’.
Why is it that the government thinks only film stars or sports personalities can be brand ambassadors of India? It is this regressive patronizing of them which sees the same bunch being elected to Parliament and the legislatures as well, much to the detriment of the country.
Do people from other walks of life not qualify to be promoters of the nation? Being the brand ambassador for the nation is a honor, an opportunity to give something back to the nation. Should it be done only by skimpily clad, lip-locking actresses and actors or is someone from a more respectable profession not eligible?