A case has been filed against actor Ahuti Prasad’s son Karthik Prasad in Banjara Hills police station. Going into details, it all began when an anonymous person has questioned Karthik Prasad for not standing up for National Anthem before the screening of a show at PVR Cinemas RK Cineplex in Road No 2, Banjara Hills.
Angry Karthik Prasad has allegedly used cuss words against the person who had questioned him. Karthik allegedly used ‘vulgar’, ‘demeaning’ words against him and the person had filed a police case against Karthik in Banjara Hills police station.
Meanwhile, it can be noted that the Supreme Court has given a ruling stating that one need not stand when National Anthem is being played in cinemas/theatres. However, here, the usage of ‘profane’ and ‘indecent’ language in public place is the reason for filing the case. More details are yet to be known. Karthik Prasad is yet to respond to the case filed against him.