According to reports, the cashier and production manager of Balakrishna’s Lion movie were kidnapped on Monday creating ruckus and causing havoc in the shooting spot. Few miscreants have entered the shooting location in Ramoji Film City and forcibly abducted the film’s production manager and cashier in separate cars. A police case was lodged in Hayathnagar police station.
Going into details Lion movie’s SLV Production house has hired few cars from Fana travels for film’s shooting. With few of them coming to repair, the travels have been putting pressure on the production house to pay for the repair costs and also demanding for rents.
With this, the production house hired cars from another travels. Fazed with this, Akbar, Imran Khan, Khadar Sharif, Jeesanth Khan and two others of Fana travels barged into RFC and kidnapped production manager Dileep Singh and cashier Raghava Chandra.
The accused also beaten up the car driver Mahesh of the other travels and escaped the spot with his car and victims Dileep, Raghava. While the car kidnapping cashier Raghava Chandra had hit a two-wheeler in the scuffle and cashier managed to get out of the car. In between, the car driver Mahesh informed cops about Fana travels taking away their car along with film crew.
Cops managed to stop the other car with production manager Dileep at Vanasthalipuram and took the culprits into custody. With the complaint from film crew, police booked cases against the travels. A detailed probe is ordered into the issue. All in all, the real kidnap episode has shocked the film’s unit literally.