Caste based trouble has loomed over Rajnikanth’s Lingaa now after the movie is facing troubles in Court over plagiarism charges. A case was filed in Hyderabad’s Kukatpally police station, as the associations of Bhattraju caste have felt insulted by Superstar Rajnikanth through his latest movie “Lingaa”.
Apparently the movie features a scene where a ‘Bhattraju’ is scene trying to praise Rajniakanth and demand money from him. But Rajni makes a mockery of the Bhattraju and fools him big time like the way the Bhattraju fools him by singing movie songs as praising-poems.
Deeply hurt by these acts, people from Bhattraju caste of Kukatpally region in Hyderabad stated that Rajnikanth insulted their self-respect and warned him of dire consequences if he fails to chop that scene from the flick. Probably this case will give more mileage to get some audiences for flopped Lingaa.