Chandra babu is soon going to come in front of the camera, not for a commercial film but for a promo film on him. Recently under the leader ship of Narendra Modi, BJP won the elections in Gujarath and Modi became an inspiration to leaders of all other states. It was said that, the short film made on Modi as part of party promotion in elections worked really well on public. The representatives of the company that made this film had recently met Chandra babu naidu regarding the same. They seem to have suggested that a movie on Chandra babu, who created a record by doing the longest yatra in the history, will be a sure shot success.
Chandra babu seems to have given his green signal after a prolific thought. Even the set up for shooting is all set ready. Party people believing that a movie on Chandra babu in the fashion of Modi will definitely increase the craze of their leader and his hard work.