As we all know IPL is the biggest Sportainment property in India. Inspired from IPL, CCL Celebrity Cricket League which started off as a cricket league between different film industries in 2011, has been growing year on year and has grown onto become bigger than the IPL in TV Ratings in South India. This shows the popularity of Film Stars in South India.
CCL which is extremely popular in south india is struggling to gain popularity in northern region and hence been adding teams from north every year. This year CCL has roped in the Punjabi Film Industry to gain more popularity in North.
As we are aware Bollywood Team Mumbai Heroes is owned by Salman Khan and with the new Punjab Team coming in with Sonu Sood as the captain hope our home grown Hyderabad based CCL grows in North too.
The TV Ratings show that actors playing cricket and providing entertainment is bigger than real cricketers playing cricket.