The upcoming film Thalaivi, starring Kangana Ranaut in the lead role, was cleared by the censor board without cuts. The Tamil version of the film has been given a ‘U’ certificate and the makers will apply for certification of the Hindi and Telugu versions as well.
Thalaivi was previously scheduled to release on April 23 this year. However, the film got delayed as the big screens were closed because of the second wave of Covid-19. Now, the makers are preparing to release the film in August this year. It will release only in cinema halls.
Thalaivi’ is based on the life of actor-politician Jayalalitha. By using this film, the Queen actress is hoping to gain more craze in Tamil and Telugu markets. Directed by A. L. Vijay, the film will also have Arvind Swamy, M. Nasar and Bhagyashree Patwardhan in pivotal roles.