Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma received a rude shock from the censor board as they denied to issue a certificate to the film ‘Kamma Rajyamlo Kadapa Reddlu’ aka ‘Amma Rajyamlo Kadapa Biddalu.’
The censor members have watched the film on Saturday and as per the media reports, they were not impressed. The censor raised objections over the content and opined that the characters in the film are like insulting real life personalities. In order to avoid unnecessary controversy, the censor members politely declined to issue a censor certificate.
Stunned by the censor board’s decision, director RGV and the producers have decided to appeal for the revival committee. ‘Amma Rajyamlo Kadapa Biddalu’ was supposed to hit the screens on November 29th. Praja Shanthi Party chief KA Paul and several others have filed petition against the film in the High Court.
The court asked the makers to change the title and also give full details of the film. With the cases yet to clear, the film got postponed indefinitely.