Chief Minister KCR has been appointed Academician, journalist and political analyst Ghanta Chakrapani as first Chairman of Telangana Public Service Commission (TPSC). Telangana Government has recognized Chakrapani and his services for separate state. Telangana youth created lot of hopes and assumptions on generation of employment after the formation of the state.
KCR was promised 1 lakh jobs to the youth during his election campaign. KCR has formed separate TPSC after taking the charge as Chief Minister. Telangana youth have agitated against the decision on permanent of contract employees. They are feared of losing the jobs. Since last 6 months students and youth demanded the government on notification for new jobs.
Chakrapani’s appointment raises the hopes of the youth further. But in realty it’s not possible for TPSC any announcement. Ghanta Chakrapani wants to change 60% the Syllabus before disclosing any notification from TPSC. Currently, 50% questions in all APPSC exams were related to Andhra Pradesh history.
Chakrapani seeks to include history of Telangana and its traditions as Curriculum for TPSC exams. He formed a committee with 5 members to study for change the syllabus. Reportedly, Government has formed TPSC but not ready to announce notifications.