With Macho hero Gopichand’s upcoming movie ‘Chanakya,’ Bollywood actor Rajesh Khattar is making his debut in Telugu. He is playing the role of a villain and in the trailer we have seen him in as ‘Qureshi.’
In a span of 17 years, Rajesh featured in many films and is also a popular dubbing artist too. He had dubbed for many Hollywood heroes and now he is doing it for none other than Megastar Chiranjeevi. As we know ‘Sye Raa’ is releasing in Hindi too and Rajesh Khattar dubbed for Chiranjeevi.
This was revealed by ‘Chanakya’ director Thiru at the pre-release event held last night in Vizag.
When Rajesh graced the stage, he said he is waiting for an opportunity to make his debut in Telugu since long and it fulfilled with ‘Chanakya’ and he is grateful for director Thiru.
Rajesh also said that he dubbed for his role in Telugu and is looking forward for audience’s feedback.