A section of news reports had it that TDP MP Sujana Chowdary met Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley very recently. This is during the ongoing tussle between the TDP and BJP in Parliament over the Special Category Status and other key promises such as Special Financial Assistance to backward districts in Rayalaseema, Uttar Andhra.
At a time when TDP MPs have moved no-confidence motion against Modi-led Union Government repeatedly and mounting pressure on the Speaker to bring it for the discussion, reports of Sujana Chowdary’s meet with Arun Jaitley have invited the anger of Chandrababu Naidu. After a few newspapers published the report of Sujana’s meeting with Arun Jaitley along with picture, this naturally shocked TDP supremo Chandrababu.
Chandrababu said to have expressed his anger on Sujana over the sudden meet. Naidu apparently found fault with Sujana over the timing as this would send wrong signals to public. On one hand, TDP has been blaming YSRCP for its hand-in-glove understanding with BJP pointing out at Vijay Sai Reddy’s frequent visits to PMO to meet Modi. Then certainly, Sujana’s meet with Arun Jaitley would do more damage.
Naidu cautioned Sujana that he shouldn’t repeat such acts as TDP MPs are not supposed to meet Union Ministers, BJP’s senior leaders.